Engineered Wood Floor Sanding

Professional Dust-free Controlled Service

Engineered Floor Sanding

We work with all popular brands - Kahrs, Boen, QuickStep, Elka

Engineered floor sanding is best left to the experts. There is limited amount of real wood top layer to be sanded and careful choice on the selection of abrasives should be made, regardless if your floors have 3 mm or 6 mm top layer.

Choose your floor sanding company carefully and here are some reasons why to choose us.

Trust experts when it comes to engineered wood flooring

While you can experiment with DIY floor sanding on hardwood floors, we would strongly recommend that you get a professional flooring company for your engineered floor sanding. This is mainly because engineered floors have very limited sanding capacity, particularly those with 3mm top layer, which can only be sanded once. If, for whatever reason, you get it wrong, there might be no opportunity to repair the damage and you might end up having to replace the whole floor.

In addition, with so many products on the market, it might be difficult for a non-expert to decide which sealant would best protect their engineered floors for longer.

At FloorWorks, we have extensive experience and knowledge of the various types of engineered floors and we are confident that your floors are safe with our flor renovation services. The thickness of the top layer of engineered flooring products range from 1 mm to 6 mm. We would not advise sanding those with 1mm top layer as the sanding process will most certailny reach the sublayers. Our engineered wood floor sanding service is gentle to all floors, regardless of their thickness.

Floor maintenance for engineered wood floors

Because of their limited restoration capacity, it is very important that engineered floors have regular and appropriate wood floor maintenance, which can significantly prolong the time until sanding is required. Apart from regular hoovering and precautionary measures such as no shoes and protective pads, oiled engineered floors need to be buffed nd re-oiled every 12-14 months to maintain the protective layer. Lacquered floors can be cleaned and polished to remove any minor scratches and to apply additional layer of sealant for greater durability and protection. 

Engineered Oak Flooring Staining & Sanding (Dark Oak)

Some interesting facts for engineered wood flooring

  • We do not recommend not recommended staining of engineered floors with 3 mm top layer. Due to the ageing of floors and some minor differences in level, the floor sanding equipment may take a bit more of the top layer in some areas than other, causing uneven thickness of the top layer. That effectively can result in uneven absorbance of the stain applied causing inconsistency of colour throughout the floors. 

  • Sanding grooved flooring with clearly not a perfect level may end up with uneven depth of the grooving throughout. Considering removal of the groove completely by the sanding service is recommended.

  • Engineered floors like hardwood floors in many cases could be installed with beading on the perimeter to cover the expansion gap required for wooden floors. As preserving the beading from scratching during the sanding of the floors is almost impossible, replacement of the beading after the sanding is completed will provide better end results.

  • Sometimes, a cheaper and quicker wood floor re-oiling service can save the hassle of floor sanding if called in at the right time, not too late. React to first signs of sealant wearing.

  • Some Kahrs flooring products come with 1 mm top veneer. These products although classified by their manufacturer as engineered are beyond restoration. These products can be easily mistaken with normal engineered products due to the presence of natural wood top layer.

Sanding & Sealing Engineered Oak Flooring

Restoration of Boen and Kahrs Flooring

The world famous brands Kahrs and Boen are known for their 15 mm, click system engineered floors. These like many other products are an example of products with a thin top layer. With our certified floor sanding experts, you can rest assured that your precious Kahrs and Boen engineered floors are in safe hands.

How long it takes before for the floors to be used again after sanding service?

How many coats of lacquer are included in your service?

What qualifications your floor sanding specialists have?

How many coats of oil are included in your service?